At GCCP, we believe that everyone, even broken people deserves a place where they can find acceptance and love, a place where they can spiritually grow in their faith walk. So come as you are to discover a church that will journey with you in life!
The best way to start is to join us on Sundays.
Whether you’re new to church or you’re looking to build your faith in God and connect with new people, Sundays offer the most opportunities for you and your family.
Worship for all ages
Junior Church for kids from nursery to Grade 6
We are a multi-generational evangelical church. While most attenders are Filipino-Chinese, you'll find a mix of people with different cultures, backgrounds, and life stages.
Worship at GCCP is designed with families in mind. Our style leans conservative, and we highly value verse-by-verse expository preaching and teaching. A worship service generally lasts 75~90 minutes.
You can find out more by watching one of our sermons and browsing through our worship guides here.
You’ll find people wearing jeans and t-shirts as well as suits and ties in our worship services. Come as you are honoring the Lord with what you wear.
Parking is available at the parking lot in front of the church.
We typically celebrate communion on the first Sunday of the month.
On Sundays, you can check-in your child to Junior Church at 8:30 am or 11:00 am. High school and college students are encouraged to attend worship services at the Sanctuary.
Babies are welcome at GCCP! Parents with infants (0~18 months) can conveniently participate in worship services while nursing and without worrying about disrupting others in a designated room right in the Sanctuary.
When you arrive, ask to be directed to the Koala Room at the 3rd floor balcony.
All entrances to GCCP are wheelchair-accessible. An elevator to the Sanctuary is also available for your convenience. Our ushers would be happy to assist seniors and PWDs to designated areas in the Sanctuary where they can conveniently worship with their families or caretakers.
Kids will enjoy learning about God and Jesus’ love for them in a fun and vibrant environment.
Kids 18 months to Grade 6
Junior Church: Sundays, 8:30 AM and 11:00 AM
High School
High school students find their identity in Jesus and learn how to be Christ-followers who influence their generation for Christ.
Grades 7-12
Fridays, 7:00 PM
College students find a supportive community that helps anchor their faith while navigating the joys and challenges of college life.
College students 18-23 years old
Saturdays, 4:00 PM
Young Adults
Young adults find opportunities to live out an active faith at the best time of their lives
Young professionals 23-40 years old
Events held throughout the year
Seniors 長者
Seniors are cared-for in a Christ-centered, fun, and welcoming environment
Adults 60 years old and above
Every 2nd and 4th Thursdays of the month, 9:00 AM
Whatever season of life you're in, navigating through life's transitions is easier when you're with others who are committed to walking with Jesus.
LifeGroup: Small groups for different ages and life stages
Spiritual Enrichment
Bible and Theology to help you understand why you believe what you believe so you can effectively live out your faith.
Classes throughout the year
Through music we promote a culture of worship by people from all walks of life and from every generation
Accord Choir and Orchestra
Saturdays, 8:00 PM
18 years old and above
Children's Choir
We want to instill in our children a love for God that is expressed through the use of their voice and life to worship God.
Little Angels, Cherubim, and Seraphim Choirs
Saturdays, 2:00 PM
Nursery to Grade 12
People of similar interests connect, build relationships, and develop spiritual habits.
Basketball, badminton, bowling, etc.
Events scheduled throughout the year
Not sure where to start? We'd love to help.
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