"As each one has received a gift, minister it to one another, as good stewards of the manifold grace of God." ( 1 Peter 4:10)

We believe that serving in the church is both a privilege and a responsibility. 


Serving honors God and allows us to grow in our relationship with Christ and deepen our knowledge of His character. When we serve, we learn to obey His word and experience the blessings of doing so. It also builds meaningful connections with fellow believers and allows us to demonstrate to others what the love of Christ looks like.


Each follower of Jesus has a unique role to play in God's kingdom, and serving is an opportunity for you to discover, be trained, and use the spiritual gifts God has given you to bless others.


Who can serve at GCCP?
What areas can I serve? / Do you have a list of serving opportunities?
What should I expect / What is expected of me if I serve?
How do I start serving?
I'm not yet baptized / I'm baptized in another church but have been regularly attending GCCP for more than 6 months. Can I serve?


Let us know how we can help you find opportunities to grow in you faith through serving.